Taking speedrunning to a whole new level
The newest post over at
highspeedhalo.net is definitely one for viewing. You'll need some time to truly enjoy this one, but you see, time's the gag, because this one is all about speed. slYnki
sat down and completed the entire original Halo campaign game in a VERY quick manner, and he's got the entire thing on video. I'm truly impressed by the effort here. Not only did it take time to actually DO the run itself, but these guys put together a webpage for this thing, along with a few flavors of video. Very nicely done guys. I love it.
i strongly suggest everyone watch this run. it is the epitome of awesome.
Thanks for the FP, Ducain. Congrats slYnki. A well deserved honor.
Ducain...your avatar is freakin awesome.
LotsofLuck says:
Thanks for the FP, Ducain. Congrats slYnki. A well deserved honor.
Oh, you're so kind ^_^;
Was my pleasure to make the run ;o
Congrats Slynk!
I've been following your Halo II Single Segment pretty closely and I hope it will be as good as your Halo I Single Segment!
Keep up the great work!
GhostSniper says:
Congrats Slynk!
I've been following your Halo II Single Segment pretty closely and I hope it will be as good as your Halo I Single Segment!
Why thank you, sir! The Halo 2 single segment will definately own this run (considering the fact that I'm going to be performing high precision sword flies well over an hour long period), but the improved Halo 1 single segment will own the Halo 2 single segment. After that, we'll see how my no death Halo 1 SS run goes, then we'll see how my H3 SS run goes ^_^;
slYnki says:
we'll see how my H3 SS run goes ^_^;
you know I'm gonna kick your *** on this one, right? :P
hæroicraptor says:
you know I'm gonna kick your *** on this one, right? :P
No, actually, I don't quite know that one =)
its dam cool! too bad there isnt a full download for the full 1.5 hour vid... it wuld be dam nice
LotsofLuck says:
Congrats slYnki. A well deserved honor.
i really have to agree with u. i have never seen speedrunning this awesome and at one shot at the game beat three speedrunning records...
Good job slYnki n keep it up!
i m looking forward to the halo 2 speedrunning anyways...
Yeah man! i agree with Ghostsniper! good job. one more thing, i'll be looking forward to your h3 speerdruns, sir!
sword flying in h3 sir? never heard of that.although i would want to be first in the line to try that one.
Yeah! gears of war! Chief! I love your style!
LOLOL, I love every comment, thank you all so much, but for the sake of whatever shread of sanity our lovely administrators have left, use the edit button instead of multi-posting! =P
[quote">its dam cool! too bad there isnt a full download for the full 1.5 hour vid
There was talk about stringing all the levels together, but no one seems to have done it yet...
[quote">i have never seen speedrunning this awesome and at one shot at the game beat three speedrunning records...
I was actually expecting to beat those three levels, but was very surprised when I didn't beat The Library time. I was expecting a time around 13:15 or something, but somehow lost 20 seconds on a perfect run... scurty's comment seemed to fit the situation perfectly, "on the perfect runs, you get bad times, but on the badly executed runs, you get perfect times..." So true @_@;
[quote">i m looking forward to the halo 2 speedrunning anyways...
Atleast the screw-ups in Halo 2 are amusing, whereas in Halo 1 they were just embarassing (screwing up in the cryo bay can make the normal man stop speedrunning altogether :P). Watching the scarab on Metro disappear into thin air, sinking through the floor on Oracle, getting whipped off the QZ gondola (thanks to an extremely powerful vacuum @_@) and watching temples on Regret get smaller for unexplainable reasons... I think people will enjoy the Halo 2 run more than this one, atleast until I improve it, then I'll put my H2 run to shame =D