Hazrdous says:
Best of luck guys, Just 1 thing....why did you not put someone who is in a differnt timezone to weed out more effeciently? Not having a rant or anything just asking.
Mainly because I'm... well, not lazy, but quite busy (which if you pose just right, it looks the same). I love you guys and I try to keep track of everyone I can through my Western Hemispheric *shut up, it's now a word, I made it myself* travels late at night, but I don't know exactly who lives where. Besides, not everyone is honest by just their Location function. Take me, for example.
As I said in Yapper's most recent Monitor topic, this is just our first phase of Monitors to help polish the system and work out the bugs. We'll be adding more vict- uh, kind souls as we go along. If you're interested in the JOB (it's a job, guys), you can PM me or assault one of our staff in IRC. We're trying to keep an updated list of volunteers, even if not everyone can be chosen. Your desire to help is appreciated, and should a position become open and your behaviour is adequate, you might just get stuck with a volunteer job. :p
Just remember that we tend to have fewer positions than we have reliable people, so don't feel bad if you're not selected out of the however many thousand members we have. :) You can still do your part by being a model member, and not grope the Grunts. As Duke said, MAJOR thanks to amaroq, Mr. Sprout, and especially all of our Moderators for help with this endeavor. I just push the button. :) And smile a lot. :D
Good luck Monitors!