'Been a long time comin...
It's been some time since I posted about any serious change taking place here, and I'm happy to say that we've got some coming down the pike. We're making some fairly major changes to the way the site functions, and the way it looks. I'm excited about it, and it will certainly help you (our members) get more from this place, and with less effort.
As with all change, some will love it, some will hate it, and the rest will be cool with it, but suffice it to say that we're going to have some features that you won't find on any other site/forum that I know of. More to come in the next week or so. I wanted to at least give you a warning so that you could prepare to saturate my inbox with hatemail. Start typing now guys. :)
Is this the "Major coding" you told the Archivers about?
some features i won't find on any other site eh? i cant wait.
*High fives Ducain* Can't wait. :cool:
Something that no other site has...hmmm....
Will this 'major changes' include a shoutout box? ;)
A virtual chat system where people can chat with one another LIVE?
Just some thoughts is all.
Anyway, I can't wait.
You're too kind. :)
RandomCTG says:
Will this 'major changes' include a shoutout box?
i really really really hope not.
hæroicraptor says:
i really really really hope not.
Hehehehe....knew someone would object to this.
No offence taken I hope.
Sounds good, I'm looking forward to it.
RandomCTG says:
Will this 'major changes' include a shoutout box? ;)
We already have one of those... it's called IRC. ;)
*taps foot impatiently* so....what is it? :p
galador says:
We already have one of those... it's called IRC. ;)
It steals your soul.....
Its already got me. :(
If you're changing the way it looks, could you possibly make it a bit more cheerful?
laser says:
If you're changing the way it looks, could you possibly make it a bit more cheerful?
i actully like this look, its so easy on the eyes.
laser says:
If you're changing the way it looks, could you possibly make it a bit more cheerful?
Absolutely not. Cheerfulness is out. Gloom is IN baby!
Ducain says:
Absolutely not. Cheerfulness is out. Gloom is IN baby!
I didn't know that all the admins were goths....
laser says:
I didn't know that all the admins were goths....
I didn't know that you didn't know how to take a joke well....
scurty says:
I didn't know that you didn't know how to take a joke well....
I didn't know you didn't know he was kidding....
Wow, this should be good. Now we have to wait and anticipate this. No more suprise. :(
Hit me up with the banner specs and I'll gladly make some. :)
MyMommyThinksImCool says:
I didn't know you didn't know he was kidding....
What did you think the four dots at the end of my sentence were implying? I was playing along with him.
Thank you! Finally! I so tired of this theme. I think our new one should be something tech like, something way different then this theme, and maybe a bit brighter feeling to.
I really hope its like version 2! But Im not hoping too much that Im disappointed.
Cannot wait Duncain!!!!!!
Duke! Your new avy/sig combo is hot!