After six years of reliable hosting, will be shutting it's doors and subsequently removing all files hosted on amaroq has done (and continues to do everyday here at HIH) an incredible job to keep mythica online for this long. It's safe to say that the Halo community wouldn't quite be the same without mythica and for that we are all in his debt.
Please read the full story here DUKE: Dugg it: NOTE FROM DUKE: Just to let everyone know, all the content in our
Halo Trick Video Archive has been placed on a server that HIH is in control of. That, combined with the mirror of FrogBlast's site, still gives you literally thousands of pieces of Halo Trick media to browse. :)
Thanks for everything Amaroq.
But I can't help but ask, now what?
Mythica will deffinitely be missed.
~ salutes to amaroq
will be missed.
why god?! you are a good man, amaroq thats a respectable decision. thank you for all youve done for the Halo communnity! will be missed greatly. Thanks for all youve done Amaroq.
Top Notch stuff. You should try selling the site (if you hadent tried to already). Its a cool name and it has gotten alot of views over 6 years so it could be worth somthing...
I simply can't overstate the value of what amaroq has done for this community. At more than a few critical times, HIH would most likely have shut down if not for his help and VERY generous hosting support. For years, he's shouldered the financial burden of, to say nothing of the time he's spent. What's more, he's a true fan of the game. Various Halo sites around the net owe a great deal to his tireless efforts to make sure great fan content could be seen by the masses.
All that aside, Brian is simply one of those 'class act' people that only comes along once in a great while in a community like ours. Always eager to help, tremendous attidude, and a solid piece of what's made HIH a great place to hang out.
I'm hoping he'll stay in touch with all of us here. My few words of thanks seem pretty small when I think about all this guy has done for us.
Thanks Brian.
well that sucks, but i understand...and wow thats expensive
Just a side note, if you want your files go download them!!
Wow such a shame to see that great site go down,it has become the backbone of hih movies and it will be greatly missed. Thanks for the hosting for the magnificent years amaroq
This is quite a shock. I honestly didn't expect this for another year or so. Alas, the time has come. Mythica will always be remembered as the best, and will truely be missed. <3 amaroq and everything he's paid for and worked on for us.
it was good while it lasted.
now what are we going to use? youtube sucks.
It is but a small pittance to say thank you for all you have done over these past years.. but I must say it, regardless.
I regard myself as an "oldie" when it comes to the Halo community, and I have personally seen the ups and downs of Mythica over the last 4-5 years. I have watched it go from a 10mb limit to God-knows-what. I've seen it go from strictly HBO and HIH use, to worldwide use for more than just Halo.
Mythica has been a great service to all those in the Halo community, and will continue to be in its legacy. I am confident in my belief that more filehosts will pop up (many already in existence were inspired by Mythica, too) in the times ahead of us.
Mythica will be sorely missed. Thanks Amaroq.
- Raiden
Raiden47 says:
It is but a small pittance to say thank you for all you have done over these past years.. but I must say it, regardless.
I regard myself as an "oldie" when it comes to the Halo community, and I have personally seen the ups and downs of Mythica over the last 4-5 years. I have watched it go from a 10mb limit to God-knows-what. I've seen it go from strictly HBO and HIH use, to worldwide use for more than just Halo.
Mythica has been a great service to all those in the Halo community, and will continue to be in its legacy. I am confident in my belief that more filehosts will pop up (many already in existence were inspired by Mythica, too) in the times ahead of us.
Mythica will be sorely missed. Thanks Amaroq.
- Raiden
Couldn't agree more.
Thanks Amaroq.
Thanks for everything. Countless downloads from Mythica. Well good choice, we'll all use other sites, or maybe the legacy could go on. The countless videos will find a new home. Thanks for all the videos.
Thanks for all the time and effort you put In Amaroq.
I don't know what else to say.:(
No! Ahhh.
Kudos, Amaroq. You will be missed!
thanks Amaroq. I know that it seems small in contrast for everything that you've done for this community, but well I just wantto say it. Thank you.
I will trully miss Mythica
PS: $1,100 a month? are too good to be true
BTW, you're not leaving us are you? It's just you're site that going....right?
Im really going to miss it. Now where do we host are videos?
Also, I hope you bring it back up soon if you ever will, and stay on this site.
Thx Amaroq, mythica will be missed. Thx 4 all you've dun....
I'll miss mythica...
So what now? Will someone else make a site specifically for Halo video uploads?
Thanks Amaroq, you are a true hero! I am a huge fan of Mythica, I have 60+ downloads to my hard drive. Thanks! *cries*
Amaroq = Hero to all Halo Forums!
But serisouly...$1100/ a lot! I guess now we'll use 360 uploads or something...:'(
*runs to dark corner*
Thanks Amaroq, for all the hard work you've done for the Halo community. But 500 TeraBites? Holy crap. (For those who don't know what a TeraBite is, here is the general sceme of things.)
1000 KB = 1 MB
1000 MB = 1 GB
1000 GB = 1 TB
I am truly amazed at your efforts to keep this running. $1,100 A MONTH, and the hours put into it... you are truly my new hero. We should make a tribute to him.
Striderdude says:
1000 KB = 1 MB
1000 MB = 1 GB
1000 GB = 1 TB
Actually... 1024 kb = 1mb, 1024 mb = 1gb, 1024 gb = 1tb, etc.
And they are "bytes", not "bites".. :P
I'm suprised he could manage to get such a cheap price on that kind of webspace.. not to mention bandwidth. It is a lot though, damn.
All the videos that have been uploaded to mythica and no where else will be lost forever. There is a lot of videos that we will never see again. Thanks for keeping mythica going for this long and the site will be missed.
Raiden47 says:
Actually... 1024 kb = 1mb, 1024 mb = 1gb, 1024 gb = 1tb, etc.
And they are "bytes", not "bites".. :P
I'm suprised he could manage to get such a cheap price on that kind of webspace.. not to mention bandwidth. It is a lot though, damn.
He did say "the general scheme of things". ;P
But yeah. That's a lot of dedication to the Halo Community. For that, amaroq, I salute you!
No i loved mythica it helped us non youtubers watch videos easier! Instead of going to youtube:(
Wow, thanks so much for everything, I had no idea that it cost anything like that to run... you are simply amazing, we all owe you so much.
SpaznPenguin says:
Wow, thanks so much for everything, I had no idea that it cost anything like that to run... you are simply amazing, we all owe you so much.
*takes off pants*
<3 amaroq.
sad times but myyyyythica wow that sucks Armaroq 1100 dallal\s a month jesus christ dude im so glad you kept it up this long... I COMMAND SOMEONE TO MAKE A BETTER SITE THAN YOUTUBE NAO
Shadow_Dog says:
I guess now we'll use 360 uploads or something...:'(
I'm afraid to tell you this but 360 Uploads has been gone for over a year and a half or so.
I am currently building a new website with a new video upload system which is such reliable as 360 Uploads was, or even more.
I am extremely thankful for what you have done for us all, Amaroq.
Because of you and your hosting support, Halo and the machinima world received thousands of new fans.
We would all want to support what you have done for us, unfortunetly now it's too late.
I have always looked up to you ever since I became obsessed with the machinima, and to my old hostings.
Amaroq, you are a true Halo Legend.
God bless, Godspeed, and another teen's sincere thanks.
I remember when I wanted to upload my first vid. Dantheman87 said to try Mythica. I thought that was such a cool and mysterious name for a website. No Mythica, it's hard to comprehend.
Thx man, you can't say HIH without thinking amaroq.
Where Will We Go For High Quilty Videos Now!!!?!?!?!?!??!?!
thanx amaroq the burden you carried for hih and hbo and everything else will always be appreciated
Wow...That's surprising to say the least...Thanks for all the time and effort you put into mythica, I remember the days when there was an 8MB limit on files...And to see what it has grown to, holy cow. Very sad to see the site go... :(
Note to Duke/some admin: My archive link takes you to SRL's archive, I've noticed for awhile but since no one pointed it out, kinda showed how interesting mine probably is..heh, so you can delete it or fix it, it doesn't matter to me.
Thanks for everything
Are You Kidding Me Omg Noooooooo Why God Why Noooo
Ahhhhhhhhhhh :(
I just really want to say thanks for all your hard work. I was actually really suprised that you kept mythica running for that long. most people dont really understand how much bandwidth is required to run a video streaming site and with all the users that check out the halo videos, its easy to rack up a huge bill. i really wish this were an april fools joke but anyways thanks again... for the countless hours of halo will be missed
I would like to thank amaroq /mythica for the great hosting.
I dont know what to say more, i agree with the others
Thank you so much amaroq, you and your website have been amazing. Almost every video I've watched on this site and a lot of others has been hosted at Mythica. Thank you so much again!! God bless
[INDENT">For many years you have un-knowingly helped be greatly. From the first video "of mine" that FrogBlast himself made (Getting beyond a Checkpoint and leaving Player 2 on the other side in Halo: Combat Evolved) to vshields ash's Grunt on the Bridge of the Pillar of Autumn. They both started by hosting those two videos themselves, and eventually they crossed to Mythica. My very first 4 videos that came out in the period of one night...
My God...Luna 2000 [Code 1"> by: BlueTonicWorld just started playing, this song was one of the songs used by Nukedude (remember him?) for HBO's 2 year Halo: Combat Evolved video I watched with my old Halo partner that same night. Such inspiration from that song and video. Also used in BOLL's Super Fast Vehicles on Death Island video. All of which I believe to had been found on *tear* first 4 videos looked like crap, but they were mirrored by Nukedude and c0ld vengeance. They also, eventually ended up on your doorstep for the masses to see. Although they went down many months/years later, your efforts still helped me become who I am. A "legend" in the Halo Tricking Community. I was once told by BOLL and c0ld at the same time that I am no more or no less famous than FrogBlast/Metafire and the other greats from HBO's Tricking Section way back when. A lot of this, thanks to you.
I once offered my assistance to you to help keep the flood out of the Mythica inbox. I can honestly say I lost my information for the login and password and was useless xD But even though I never could get much work done for you, I still view it myself as the only little Thank You I could give besides this long Reply right now.
You have done a frackload of good for the Halo Community. I alone can not say the line of[INDENT">"For everyone in the Halo Community, I thank you, amaroq."
[/INDENT">For that would be selfish of me. Hearing the thanks from every single person you've unknowingly helped over the years is all we can give you.
The last thing I must thank you for before I finish. The two 'hoggies you signed yourself for T3T when HIH first started up. They are sitting here on my desk in front of me with "Amaroq" written on the back left roll bar in silver Sharpie, while Dark Helmets is underneath in black. So, there will always be something physical to remember Useruploads for in front of me when I sit here and view the vast Community you helped.
Farewell Useruploads, you shall be missed by many, but are still loved in memory as amaroq is loved by the community you helped keep alive.
[/INDENT">Adapt or Die - Mendez (Halo book character who helped train the Spartans)
wow i cant believe this website is going down /end sarcasm
I think amaroq should get Recon for his contribution to the Halo community!
Your site will be missed amaroq. You have been one of the key points in making this community grow. Thank you again.
*Butcher says:
Have some respect.
Your site will be missed amaroq. You have been one of the key points in making this community grow. Thank you again.
nah youtube is better
It sure as heck will be missed. <3 Good run.
armaroq, hih would not be the same without you.
thank you for all that you've done.