US President? Pshaw! This is about the uber l0llerpwortant position of Admidistrator for the Internat! Don't miss out on your chance to cast a vote in the most hotly contested race of the year. Voices of change, hope, and other nonsensical things have arisen to meet the needs of today's changing internats, and I say it's about time! Rise up! Pwn your enemies, and save the lives of kittens everywhere.
Check out this thread, which is in my top 10 HIH thread list of all time, for details, and backstory on the Admid phenom. Enjoy. :)
DISCLAIMER: For those of you who live in remote parts of West Viriginia, Kentucky, and all of Canada, this is
for fun, and in no way meant to cause you harm, frustration, or abdominal discomfort.
NewBassMeeph '08
... am I not supposed to post in the news section? I feel as though I'm tainting a pure thread.
The only tainting is being done by your evilly long Location. Change it, or suffer my wrath.
And my anger.
Ducain says:
The only tainting is being done by your evilly long Location. Change it, or suffer my wrath.
And my anger.
How's it now? Hehehe...
And with that, I have crossed the spamline.
This whole thing is stupid now all im getting is spam from the so called candidate's
crazystupid0 says:
This whole thing is stupid now all im getting is spam from the so called candidate's
That's what elections are about. Endless spamvertisments from the candidates. Enjoy the misery. :)
Glad I made a thread on your top ten, Duke.
time to block all the sensless people doing this..........
Ducain, do share your other top 10 threads. I'm intrigued.
Ducain says:
That's what elections are about. Endless spamvertisments from the candidates. Enjoy the misery. :)
I trust we can count on your vote?
Don't forget, we are endorsed by POTS and Skeletor as well. Could we add you to the list of supporters?
P.S. I'll send you one of the advertisements, 'kay? XD
Ducain says:
DISCLAIMER: For those of you who live in ... Canada, this is for fun, and in no way meant to cause ... abdominal discomfort.
awww, that's my favourite form of discomforti read the entire thread(s), they're now in my top 10 as well
awww, that's my favourite form of discomfort
i read the entire thread(s), they're now in my top 10 as well
I personally wrote yours, NOK.
Can we count on your vote?
Everyone else is advertising here, so I might as well too.
PhasmoXetzu '08! We have cake..and it isn't a lie!
/me jams out to Still Alive
New Bass Man. says:
Can we count on your vote?
sorry, i had already voted ... for Meeph ;)
sure, add me to your list, just don't let the power of being the Admidistrator for the Internat go to your head and make you all Innnsane
NewBassMeeph '08 for a better internat!
Ducain says:
That's what elections are about. Endless spamvertisments from the candidates. Enjoy the misery. :)
ducain. office space = greatest movie.
and don't forget to attach a cover sheet to those TPS reports.
Got one from my vote goes to him, since he contacted me first
....thats just the way life goes
Gorillaz2189 says:
ducain. office space = greatest movie.
and don't forget to attach a cover sheet to those TPS reports.
The guy has been filing his TPS reports for about a year now. I don't know what a TPS report is, but I am fairly certain it doesn't take a year to file:D
While I refuse to advertise in this purely pure thread as I've already done so in the intended thread(all you guys are like Hillary campaigning in Florida... -_-), I will, however, say that I hope the original post's reference to Kentucky was a little jab at me ^_^
After all, it's just me and azn in KY if I do so recall.
Speaking of AZN, where the freak did he go?
PhasmorXetzu all the way!
Shadow0f1ntent For Admin President All The Way And Ftw. Whoo:d :d :d
Vote for saucy we have cookies, which is better than cake:D
Saucycarpdog says:
Vote for saucy we have cookies, which is better than cake:D
The cake is a lie /overusedandoldinternetfad
Spuff says:
PhasmorXetzu all the way!
Yeah, too bad he didn't win. NBM cheated.
Bllasae says:
Yeah, too bad he didn't win. NBM cheated.
You need to calm down a bit