H2 Tricks: Raised Bar, Lowered Budget; Awesomeness ensues
Renaissance II opens the salvo with a great trick-montage of many splendid tricksters pulling off stunts some never before seen and worthy of the ages. Point your clicker on over to this forum thread for a link to
this video. From there we head to "X-s' Corner," where Xlax does some impossible stuff with Halo 2.
Corner slide from the vertical segment of the QZ Gondola trip!? And here, ongoing, is the quest to bring a vehicle into the Index Chamber on QZ. Grumpy, Dantheman87, LoneStarr, and finally xlax007's repeated attempts at landing a live spectre across a loadzone/cutscene, over several hundred meters of empty space lit long before the scene began. Awesome!? Well, sounds so to the few to whom this place is legend.... and that is the QZ Canyon.
Fantastic major step, X!
Awesome. Nice to see some actual tricking news for once.
<3 PotS
zmanjr7 says:
Awesome. Nice to see some actual tricking news for once.
<3 PotS
First, I have NO idea what that says. It sounds like all gibberish to me.
Second, glad to see tricking videos are back to being FP'ed again.
Good to see some tricking news!
*heart warms like the good ol' days*
Not to bring this topic up again, but there are three reasons why there is less tricking these days:
-Halo 3 isn't quite as easily trickable.
-Clans don't technically exist on Halo 3.
-There is no 'reward' for doing a trick, as there used to be.
I mean, as much as people denied it, there really was a desire to be recognized by your peers on HIH (accomplished by Front Page).
That really helped drive a lot of people to keep pushing the limits, which the new HIH has...modified.
Remember when this new skin was strongly disliked? I really like it now...damn Duke being so...right about it. :D
Some actual news for once -.- Honestly the new frontpage system is horrible.
And to shadow, you should maybe look through some things in the campaign section. Because there is plenty of things going on.
Omfg. POTS lives.
Great post.
Tbird24 says:
First, I have NO idea what that says.
Trix or gtfo :P Hehe, I had to change that one around somehow! <3 Tbird24!
Awesome FP pots! It's WONDERFUL to see something get posted on it's own for once. Makes me feel like HIH still accomplishes something worth a damn.
*waves* Hey guys, yep I'm still alive. Good to see you!
Please, please, PLEASE don't think that HIH has moved away from tricking. Tricking is the main reason HIH is here, never doubt. H3 is a different beast, much as H2 presented massive launches compared to H1's precision trick/glitching. The Front Page Counter/Rotator is a very complicated device that was made, painstakingly, in order to keep tricking on the Front Page of HIH.
That may sound counter-intuitive, but keep in mind the monstrousity of creativity that is H3, and our response. We're all about tricking, so are you because that's why you're here. We don't have the time and staff to keep up with the sixteen THOUSAND registered profiles who post, yet we hate to let a fantastic trick slip through the cracks.
Although it may seem imperfect at some times, the FP Counter is the best way for HIH to stay on top of the latest tricks and glitches. Please don't unintentionally subtitute quantity, quality, or quirkiness for one another at HIH. No matter what shows up on Front Page, the heart and soul of it revolves around the tricking/glitching community.
We're here because you're here, so please don't discount the latest format of FP as impersonal, however we present it. It's only as impersonal as you the viewer choose to let it be, in most cases. We love you folks, and want to see the 'hogs fly as well. Whether you love H1, H2, H3, Camp or MP, we're here for you. Times, they are a changin', but our devotion to tricking at its core never will.
we're finding new ways to trick in halo 3. give it time. everytime there's a halo 3 update means new glitches.
some of us thought elastic barriers would be the death of exploring, that's not the case anymore.
I think now that the flood of Halo 3 has died down, we should think about getting the news team back together!!! :)
I'm sure a lot of people, (including myself) would have more motivation to find, and complete tricks if they got fp'd every so often. :p
My one reply to this (other than a good job by POTS, who I supported in posting this), as unsmartasslike as I can be:
I think it's worth noticing that there haven't been loads of Halo tricking sites popping up. Even in the 'old days' of Halo 2, everyone and their granny created a tricking site, even if 98.3% of them were crap and died almost immediately.
These days, I can't point to a singe NEW Halo tricking site. Think also about the fact that hosting is incredibly cheap - more than ever. Additionally, think about the fact that MANY teens and twentysomethings in our midst know at least some PHP.
Yet...no one has created the kind of tricking site people say everyone wants.
Wonder why that is?
Even in the general halo news 'genre', and even the basic halo forum sites, where is the new blood? Old established sites are stagnant, or even closing the doors. H3F has had to resort to setting their 'online user time' to 30 mins (instead of the default 15) to make it look like they're still busy. HaloPlanet is all but dead. HIH still chugs along, as does Rampancy.net. HBO is a situation so unique that it's really not worthy of inclusion here, but the reasons behind these situations still stand.
Again, I wonder why... I also wonder about the average age of people who own/administer sites that are more than 2 - 3 years old.
*Duke knows the answers to these questions from long hard experience*
HIH is right at 4 years old btw.
You may now resume your thread. :)
princeofthesword says:
Please, please, PLEASE don't think that HIH has moved away from tricking. Tricking is the main reason HIH is here, never doubt.
As much as this might turn out to be the scene where The Arbiter gets the Mark of Shame burned into him... I must say, after Duke's first couple of "novels" about the new FP Counter, it felt as though HIH was more a "Community" and not about the Tricking. But, that, coupled together with Halo 3's failure to be as easy to Trick as it's predecessors has forced an image change of HIH for me. I see the new guys taking over as "The Greatest Trick3r EVARRR!!!!!" as the Old-Hands sit back and watch and think "Wow, I feel stupid, WHERE IS QUARANTINE ZONE?!" I think I've lost track, so any quotes of this sentence are going to make me feel stupid for just yabbering on.
HIH is still all about the Tricks to me. But H3's failure to Trick like we all hoped has pushed my view oh HIH to a "It's a chat place now" kind of place. Sad, but true. Sorry if this upsets you Ducain, I really, honestly, truly do still love HIH. I am also honored to be one of the last people who joined HIH in it's first Month :) I will be here until the end my friend. Or rather, all my friends.
KORHAL says:
As much as this might turn out to be the scene where The Arbiter gets the Mark of Shame burned into him... I must say, after Duke's first couple of "novels" about the new FP Counter, it felt as though HIH was more a "Community" and not about the Tricking. But, that, coupled together with Halo 3's failure to be as easy to Trick as it's predecessors has forced an image change of HIH for me. I see the new guys taking over as "The Greatest Trick3r EVARRR!!!!!" as the Old-Hands sit back and watch and think "Wow, I feel stupid, WHERE IS QUARANTINE ZONE?!" I think I've lost track, so any quotes of this sentence are going to make me feel stupid for just yabbering on.
HIH is still all about the Tricks to me. But H3's failure to Trick like we all hoped has pushed my view oh HIH to a "It's a chat place now" kind of place. Sad, but true. Sorry if this upsets you Ducain, I really, honestly, truly do still love HIH. I am also honored to be one of the last people who joined HIH in it's first Month :) I will be here until the end my friend. Or rather, all my friends.
Nothing about that makes me sad man. :) I'm glad you're still around.
Ducain says:
Nothing about that makes me sad man. :) I'm glad you're still around.
Always a pleasure Ducain, heck, if you saying I looked like a girl 4 years ago didn't make me leave...you'll have to try harder ;)
Well said Duke.
<3 HIH.
And Korhal,I really feel like some new doors are being opened in the Halo 3 tricking scene. But heh, who knows.