As most of you will notice, we've changed the site DNS this evening, and so as of just a little while ago, HIH is now hosted on the same server as the forum, and since we're integrating our content with the forum software, that's all good.
What's going to take a little time is getting all the links to work correctly. After a few days, all the links will say 'highimpacthalo/' instead of '', but give us a little time to get it ironed out. After that, we'll starting redirecting people automagically from over to At last, the link will look nice.
Thanks for all the support guys. In the near future, we plan to host more videos, get more organized, and get ready for the Halo 3 onslaught. In the meantime, hang on, finish your exams (if you're still unfortunate enough to be in school), and relax - it's summertime (almost). :)
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